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Talk to Sales GTM Reporting Health Check 🩺
Talk to Sales GTM Reporting Health Check 🩺


SOC 2 Type II scaleMatters

How companies use scaleMatters to improve revenue acquisition efficiency

Customers range from Series A startups to established $250M businesses.


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Facebook Ads Drain Valuable SDR Resources

Series A small business software company


Our customer was investing $45K/month into Facebook Ads. Following up with these inbound leads required significant SDR resources.

The Findings:

Our side-by-side Funnel Analyzer showed that Facebook Ads was bringing in more leads, but their SDR Prospecting channel had faster lead-to-deal cycle times, better funnel conversion rates, higher win rates, and bigger deal sizes.

SDRs were so busy following up with Facebook Ads leads, they had little time for higher-value outbound prospecting efforts!

The Savings:

Our customer fixed this compounding problem in the short term by pausing Facebook Ads — saving $45K/month — until they could build a dedicated inbound SDR team.

GTM Optimization Story - SDRP vs. FB Ads

GTM Optimization Story - Buyer Journey Analyzer

Hot Inbound Leads Getting Dropped

Global laboratory software company


Hot prospects were completing high-intent demo or pricing requests on our customer's website, but there was no consistent process for following up with them.

The Findings:

Our Buyer Journey Analyzer revealed that inbound lead-to-meeting conversion rate was far below industry benchmarks. Thorough investigation revealed that sales people were too slow to respond and making prospects wait too long to get the information they needed to move forward. Prospects were dropping out of the funnel before seeing the product.

The Savings:

Our customer introduced “first responder teams” for different sales regions around the world. Their primary goal: respond to inbound leads within 5 minutes, briefly qualify them, and set up meetings. Thanks to this process change, their opportunity pipeline swelled by 70% quarter-over-quarter.

Change to Product Demo Backfires

$80M PE-backed fundraising software company


Steady win rate suddenly began declining.

The Findings:

Our Voice-of-Prospect diagnostic tools identified that whenever a prospect mentioned a specific software feature on sales calls, win rate plummeted. Further digging revealed that recent changes to the demo script de-emphasized this feature during demo presentations — the exact feature that an increasing number of prospects cared about most.

The Savings:

Our customer revised the sales script, highlighting this key feature — and win rates climbed 42% and exceeded prior levels.

GTM Optimization Story - VoP Win Rate 1

GTM Optimization Story - Meeting Show Rate

Prospects No-show Sales Meetings

$15M SMB marketing software company


For most of the sales team, only 50-60% of prospects actually showed up for booked meetings with their SDR. But 2 specific SDR had meetings-occurred rates over 90% — a wide disparity.

The Findings:

Upon interviewing each SDR, the customer discovered that the top 2 performers called to confirm the meeting on the same day. The rest of the team relied on automated email reminders.

The Savings:

Once a call to confirm meetings was implement team-wide, every SDR had a meetings occurred rate of over 82%.

Ad Campaign to Nowhere

$13M digital engagement software company


Our Insight Panels flagged a sharp week-over-week drop in Google Ads website sessions and leads.

The Findings:

Links in new Google Ads were broken — the customer was wasting money paying for clicks without getting any traffic.

The Savings:

Links were immediately fixed, and the ad campaign began performing as anticipated.

GTM Optimization Story - Google Ads 13k

GTM Optimization Story - Google Ads 300 k

Hundreds of Thousands Burned on Google Ads

$200M PE-backed CRM software company


New PE ownership encouraged our customer to 5X their Google Ad spend in Q1 2022.

The Findings:

Our Insight Panels monitored trends in their end-to-end Google Ads funnel. Traffic and leads rose significantly, as expected. But halfway through Q1 it was clear that they were converting fewer opportunities and fewer new deals than the previous quarter.

The Savings:

Our customer was able to pivot quickly and avoid burning another $300K planned for Google Ads.

Demo Requests Drop

$13M digital engagement software company


For two weeks, demo requests on the customer website declined — with no apparent explanation.

The Findings:

After our Buyer Journey Analyzer surfaced this concern, an investigation uncovered 2 additional fields, added recently by their marketing manager, were driving up the abandonment rate.

The Savings:

Our customer made those 2 fields optional, effectively erasing form abandonment issues.

GTM Optimization Story - Website Conversion Rates

GTM Optimization Story - VoP Win Rate 2

Positioning Mismatch with ICP

$15M SMB marketing software company


With new positioning as “marketing software” from “digital marketing services,” sales pitch and demo were also updated — yet win rate diminished.

The Findings:

Our Voice-of-Prospect diagnostic tools revealed that prospects were still interested in digital marketing services and wanted to work with the customer — but they believed the customer no longer met this need.

The Savings:

After adjusting their pitch to “all-in-one marketing software and services,” the customer’s win rate doubled from 15% to 30% within two months


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